Friday, June 7, 2013


No matter how many times someone tells you that you are not good enough, keep telling yourself just how good you are! Someday you will either believe the lies of others or the truth of your OWN words. There is a stupendous amount of power that we use to create and form our thoughts and the world....never think or speak that which you do not want to create. Envision yourself as an artist or a painter, your words give life to the canvass on which you are painting. A great artist or painter knows that in order for their work of art to become a Masterpiece there must be time and attention given to it. The Masterpiece is an expression of the artist and it must portray this true fact.

Someone once told me, " your words have color to them, they can paint a broad beautiful picture of warmth for everyone, or they can paint a broad cloud of darkness for everyone. You get to decide how others see you and the world you live in and invite them to partake in." I say the same thing to you that was said to me, and then I challenge you, whomever you may be, to paint your world with your words. Here is an example: Each and everyday there are many opportunities for us to paint a world that will be full of sunshine or full of clouds and gloom and doom. There is always a chance that we will encounter something that will cause us pain, anger, frustration, and other numerous emotions; however, there is a way to change the outlook of whatever may lie before us. Words have the ability to move all of us in ways that we cannot begin to fathom and it also has that same ability to make or break us. Whoever said that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," tidbit, clearly had no clue of the power of words...or they walked and lived in heavy denial of it! Think of all those who have been torn apart by the hurtful words of friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers! Think about times in your own life when someone has mishandled your heart, mind, or emotions with the words they allowed to escape their lips. Who has the time to constantly be cut up by negativity, rudeness, resentment, unforgiveness, or just blatant hatred of another human being? What kind of life is that for anyone to live, especially when words are forever going to be a part of verbal communication! HERE IS A POINT TO PONDER: IF THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK TODAY WILL CAUSE ME REGRET TOMORROW, THEN I HAD BETTER CHOOSE TO PAINT USING A DIFFERENT COLOR AND BRUSH! SOMEONE ELSE' LIFE IS YOUR CANVASS! REMEMBER THIS SCRIPTURE, LIFE AND DEATH IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE AND THEY THAT LOVE IT, WILL EAT THE FRUIT THEREOF....PLAINLY PUT,BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SPEAK OVER YOURSELF AND OTHERS, OTHERWISE YOU MAY FIND THAT YOU HAVE THE BITTER TASTE OF DEATH LEFT IN YOUR MOUTH AND YOUR LIFE.

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