Friday, June 7, 2013

Death's Reality


It has a grip like no other, the magnitude of it hurts on many levels, and the harshness of it can sometimes shatter even the toughest soul. Why, is the simple, yet complex question that we all find ourselves asking. Why does it have to cut so deep, hurt so bad, eat away at us, and then leave an open wound that seems impossible to heal?! Although we know it is a part of the process of life; it is never any easier to let a loved one go. It will never get easier to say goodbye to someone who has come into your life and blessed it! Have you ever sat back and thought about how precious it is when someone touches your heart. Have you ever noticed how their smile, their words of kindness, generous acts of love, and moments of harsh truth has made your life beautiful? I have and if truth be told, you have too. Begin to look back over the memories you have created with loved ones and friends, think back to the very day they entered your heart.... What do you see, pay attention to how you feel, breathe in the scent of their spirit, and then smile. God has given us the ability to hold onto the ones that we love through those precious memories we have created with them. The bond that we share is so powerful, so surreal, and yet so strong that nothing can break it. As much as it hurts when death hits, as much as it knocks the breath out of our lungs, and punches us in the guts, it still has no power over life! While you may read this and think " how is that even possible?" Imagine this one thing for me and yourself, if death was so powerful..every life that has crossed over from life to death, would have taken with it, all the memories that we have ever created. Every single moment of happiness, joy, anger, frustration, fear, peace, hope, and love would have been laid to rest with our loved one! Without denial; death is indeed very painful to face, yet it is what helps to make life so much more meaningful. Life and Death go hand- in- hand and while many will never admit that fact; it still never changes the reality of it.

One cannot celebrate the joys of life without mourning the sadness of death and one cannot mourn death without celebrating the joys of life. Hold those dear to you; so close to your heart, embrace them, love on them, and always celebrate them, and then when they are gone from here; embrace the memories that have been created, always thanking God for the opportunity to have been touched by an angel! After never know when they will be taken away from here.

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