Monday, November 26, 2012

This Is My Truth...What Is Yours?

Tell me what do you see when you look at me? What comes to mind when I walk into a room? What words do you use to express your opinion of me? Am I just some lost face in the crowd of thousands, or do you see my soul and wonder what is in the depths of my heart? Like so many before you and even, after you, along the way there will be someone else who will deem me insignificant. Ha! Its okay because at one point and time, I tried hard to live my life without being noticed. I was once the girl who tried to hide way back in the corner and stay to myself, trying desperately not to draw attention to me. Go ahead, let the question that your mind has formed; escape your lips.."Was it because you were ugly, fat, geeky looking, etc?" My answer to that is simple: No! I was none of those things and yet there was a part of me that did not feel good enough. You see, I have always had a curvaceous body and very good looks.. plenty of guys wanted to get close to me, but most for the WRONG reasons! It had started to seem like what was supposed to be a gift from God was quickly becoming a nuisance. At some point and time in life every girl wants a guy to look at her and drool over her,praise her for her intelligence and star quality, she wants to know the feeling of walking into a room and having all eyes instantly on her, she wants to be envied by others as having a shape that had to be God given! Every female wants to know what its like to have guys call her name just trying to get a few moments of her attention while others look on, waiting and wondering when their time will come...Let me just say that I had all of these things at one point and time and while I should have been enjoying it, I was finding myself questioning why it had to be me; why did I have to be that girl that many other people wish they could be and have? It wasn't until one day while looking in the mirror crying and asking God to know why He made me like He had, that He began to speak to me. I remember standing with tears staining my cheeks and my shirt; I began to hear clearly these words, " I created you and I made you special and beautiful. When will you believe that you are a beautiful masterpiece?" Now...for some of you, this may not hold any special value or significance, but to others it may mean the world. Smile! Now go with me for a moment to a space in your mind, did you ever feel like you were in a dark hole? Like the world did not see you as you truly were or more importantly; you did not see yourself as God sees you? Be it as it I can now say that this was once"My Truth!" Ladies, I do not know where you may be in life:young, middle aged, older, white, black, Hispanic, Latina, Asian, etc. The point is this: NEVER LET yourself or anyone distort the beauty of who God created you to be! It has not been until I began to own my Truth and live and love me for me, that things started to change! I began to embrace and enjoy all of me and yes, that includes my flaws and all. I look in the mirror today and I smile and thank our Creator for His "Infinite Wisdom" to create such a beautiful work of know the kind that can only be enjoyed by those who truly know the value and worth of Timeless Masterpieces? That...